May 27 2020 by:

Lockdown doesn’t look like it’s ending any time soon and who knows when we’ll be able to visit our beloved hairdressers again, so we thought we would share our best tips and hints for caring for your hair at home, in this blog that we’ve cleverly called ‘Lockdown Hair Hacks’. Please don’t take that as a green light to hack at your hair with your kid’s craft scissors though.


If ‘normal’ life sees you styling your hair most days but your new lockdown lifestyle means you have little or no interaction with the world, why not take this opportunity to give your hair a break from the usual blow-drying, straightening or curling? Such processes aren’t great for hair and can cause long-term damage to the delicate cuticle structure as well as dry the hair out, which can dull hair and increase the occurrence of split ends.

Let your hair do what it wants for a change – if your hair is naturally curly, embrace those curls! Whilst not exactly attractive, wearing a hair net overnight whilst your hair is damp will hold the natural curl and prevent hair from frizzing.

If it’s straight, comb it through after you’ve washed and towel dried (squeeze the hair, don’t rub!), find your parting and your normal ‘style’ then let it dry naturally.

Your hair really will thank you for it.


One of the few upsides to lockdown is that many of us have more time on our hands than normal, so why not use that extra time to try all those hair masks, deep conditioners and hot oil treatments you’ve collected over the years?

If you’re like us, you’ll have a bathroom shelf or a drawer full of hair care products that you just never found time to use, so now is the time. Intensely nourishing conditioners and masks are ideal for keeping the hair hydrated and moisturised, which helps hair to retain its shine and slow the appearance of split ends, perfect when our next trim seems a long way away.


We can hear hairdressers all over the UK screaming at their clients not to cut their own hair, but this is a brave new world and seriously, if you have a fringe then needs must. Of course fringes can be grown out or swept to one side with a side parting, but if you’d rather your forehead didn’t see the light of day ever again, you’ll need to give it a trim.

A ‘trim’ is the key word here – really you want to just take the very ends off rather than cutting great lengths, you can always trim a bit more but you can’t undo an overzealous cut. Always cut hair when it’s dry – wet hair when dried will be much shorter than you realise.

Try to get hold of hairdressing scissors if you can or failing that, find the thinnest, sharpest pair of scissors you own and chip into your fringe, rather than cutting straight across – a much more forgiving method for the novice hairdresser.

And don’t be tempted to hold your fringe down whilst you cut it – that bounce back will catch you off guard.


We’re not necessarily fans of the whole ‘you must come out of lockdown with a new skill or you’ve wasted your time’ movement. In fact, we say do what you have got to do to get through it and if that’s binge watching Sex & The City reruns, go for it.

If your hair is getting a bit unruly however and you did want to try your hand at something new, how about learning some new styling techniques such as Dutch braids or French plaits? Being able to braid your fringe is a great way to keep it out of your eyes if you don’t want to trim it yourself, and plaits are a stylish way of creating natural waves and curls without using extreme heat.


We don’t necessarily need more reasons to shop online, *however*, headbands, wraps and scarves are a big trend right now so how about treating yourself to some new hair accessories that are perfect for that short notice zoom call when you haven’t washed your hair in days?

They are also ideal for hiding those pesky roots but with Naturtint Root Retouch Cremes available to order, you really have no excuse for that one.

Got your own hair hacks? Then we would LOVE to hear them! Seriously, we’re getting quite desperate. Send your top tips and comments to hello@naturtint.seoworks.dev or get in touch on our Facebook and Instagram pages. And if you need some help with your Naturtint products, you can get in touch via LiveChat (office hours only) or call the the office – please just bear with us in these testing times!

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